Monday, April 19, 2010

My first time riding a green bumper car.hehe

I never had a chance riding a bumper car until one day  on 10th April 2010.. I went to Times Square in Penang.They're having a funfair.They got the bumper car ride.My siblings would love to ride on bumper car. I was crazy enough to say "Kakak pon nak (I wanna ride)". Actually, I didn't know how to ride on it or chase after someone so I can bump on to... What a crazy night. I got myself in a bumper car.I chose my favourite colour,green.Owh I drove a green car.How about that. (n_n)


I thought to myself. I really want to hit mustakim(my naughty lil bro) by a "car" tonight. He has done so much of mischievous things to me. Tonight is the night! And electric was switch on! pong! I stepped on the pedal.As a matter of fact I don't know what is it for.Just stepped on it to give some action.hhaha.wOW! The car is moving  soooo fast!!!! At first I didn't know how to handle this fast car.hehe TOO FAST TOO FURIOUS(poyo je) Mustakim bumped on me in the sudden. I was taken aback(tercengang). I felt mad and felt that "this time I will not let him to hit me.NOT IN THIS PLACE!!! HAHAHAH. The power within..Action packed.huhu.I chased him like crazy and hit him.I chased and hit him hard.Drift and drift the car(orang negeri sembilan ckap dorif kot.HUHU)(caution:don't do this on the road)huhu xD
Actually,I just realized my licence car has to be renew while I drove my father's car in the day time. My dad was mad. I cannot drove his car to Penang. so, my dad drove us to Penang until we got to Times Square, a place where I can drive without renewing my licence.hihi

Dolls in green

I love green.but,I never had a doll in green.but..but..hehe.but,I used to have a puppet frog that i bought from giant supermarket in Ipoh.
Well,I googled up and looked for dolls in green. Here are my favourites which are related to dolls

I don't think I would buy it.But,I rather love to look at it on the display shelf.Actually, I used to see this kind of doll in my childhood.

dolls' shoes.I don't own a doll to go with the shoes

Isn't she cute to cuddle with?

simple and nice:)

owh a dress for a paper doll.huhu I used to draw my own paper dolls as I was 5years old and I started selling paper dolls drew by me as I was 14years old.I love to design the dresses for the paper dolls

this green haired barbie looks kinda old skool

love the dress, hate the face.hhehe

a senorita with a guitar

I would definitely love to dance with her.she's cute

Sunday, April 18, 2010

kalah la pulok.I'm not the winner

yeah,i didn't win the hijau contest.It's ok.Next month I'm gonna see whether I will win another contest I just got myself in with two participations.The company's logo is green.huhu.I like it.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

yeah! i got in the contest

hijau(green) contest.I got in!Alhamdulillah
the owner of the BLOG said.."Yeahhh, hari ni dah 17April, maka contest hijau dah ditotop secara rasmi....(it means the contest is now closed.officially on April 17 2010)

hany ucapkan terima kasih bebanyak yer kengkawan...coz sudi join contest yang pertama tama kalinya mzhany anjurkan nih. hany pon suke join contest n giveaway nih, cuma since hany tgh buat contest tak sempat lagik nak join contest org pasni hany akan rajin menjoin kan diri hehehe...(she said thanks to everybody who joined her contest.It's her first time organizing a contest.After she completed her contest she would make use of her time to join someone else's contests)

sebenarnya, ni test, nak tengok ade tak orang join...hany plan untuk adakan contest@giveaway sempena setahun MZHANY nih, and waktu tuh jugak sempena ulangtahun pertama perkahwinan kami...InsyaAllah.. tunggu je yer... akan tiba saat itu...InsyaAllah... dan maaf pada anda hantar entry pada hari nih which is contest nih dah berakhir sowiii yer....(THIS contest commemorates her 1st wedding anniversary and she apologized to kasihkesyurga.blogspot because her intention to join the contest today on 17th April is unacceptable.)There are 34 contestants.huhu I am at number 32. I don't know if my blog post could win or not.i wish myself a good luck.saya minat hijau.DON'T STOP ME!! (gmbr di atas sekadar hiasan bukan untuk contest.i found the pic above, on the left in the internet)
Cik Hany!Happy anniversary ya.semoga bahagia dunia dan akhirat

Friday, April 16, 2010

pertandingan hijau (green contest)

My first time joining a blog contest.huhu. I joined this contest just now. I was actually looking for some more infos about green. It is for a self-project and I wish to publish what I learn about my favourite colour. Green it is. As I was searching for infos... I found.. a contest about "HIJAU" Hijau is green in Malay.It's date entry ended today. 16 April. I don't know if I would be accepted to join in.
Mrs hany. awak melawat blog saya. saya suka hijau.suka sangat-sangat. dan ni link ke contest itu

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